TMBL supports UN Sustainable Finance Roadmap for Australia Talk to us Phone us Email us Breadcrumbs UniBank About Us Member news & media 2018 TMBL supports UN Sustainable Finance Roadmap for Australia 28 August 2018 28 August 2018 Teachers Mutual Bank Limited supports UN Sustainable Finance Roadmap for Australia The Bank participated in the 2018 United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) conference on Financing a Resilient and Sustainable Economy in Sydney on 23-24 July 2018. Mike Lanzing, General Manager of UniBank represented the Bank at the event. Participating organisations – including from the banking, insurance and investment sectors, representing over 300 institutions with $10 trillion in assets – released a Joint Statement in Support of a Sustainable Financial System for Australia and New Zealand that calls on organisations across the finance sector to support the development of Sustainable Finance Roadmaps for Australia and New Zealand. The Sustainable Finance Roadmap is a set of recommendations regarding policy, regulatory and financial practises that helps the financial sector contribute systematically to a more resilient and sustainable economy. The Bank was invited to speak on the panel discussing sustainable banking practise across the banking sector. Signatories to the statement have committed to convene financial, governmental, and non-governmental bodies to kickstart the process to develop Sustainable Finance Roadmaps for Australia and New Zealand. Signatories include the Investor Group on Climate Change, the Principles for Responsible Investment, the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA), the UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance, and the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative. The Bank is a member of the RIAA. Know more Statement for a Sustainable Finance Roadmap Joint press release The Sustainable Finance Roadmap