We're here to help When life throws a curve ball your way, know that we've got your back. Talk to us Phone us Email us Breadcrumbs UniBank Contact Financial hardship Managing credit card debt Financial hardship Financial hardship Managing credit card debt Financial hardship FAQs Repayment pause FAQs Financial hardship Managing credit card debt Managing credit card debt Credit card debt is one of the leading causes of undue stress and financial hardship in Australia, and getting on top of it can feel like a monumental task. If you’re ready to tackle your credit card debt, here are some steps to get started. Set up a monthly budget for all your expenses and maintain the budget. Consider prioritising paying off the card with the highest balance or highest interest first. Reduce or cancel the limits on your credit cards where you still have available funds. Increase your required monthly repayments from the minimum amount, and don’t continue to spend on your cards once you start reducing the balance. If you have multiple credit card accounts, try to consolidate all your credit cards into one account at the lowest interest with a fixed monthly repayment amount. Contact a financial counsellor or the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007 to discuss your current financial situation. Acting early and seeking advice can help you better manage your financial situation. The bank can also offer the following solutions to help you reduce your credit card debt: Consolidate your existing credit card to other loan products you may have with the bank. Convert your credit card to personal loan on a fixed term with a fixed monthly repayment amount. Reduce your existing approved credit limit as the balance of your account is reduced. Increase your required monthly repayments from the minimum amount to a fixed higher monthly repayment amount. Assistance during financial hardship Our Credit Assistance service can help you take control of your credit card debt and get on top of your repayments. We’ll work with you to find an appropriate solution for your needs and develop a plan to help reduce or clear your debt. Download, print, fill out and return the Financial Hardship application form so we can consider your request. If you provide all the information requested, we will get back to you with a decision on your application within 14 days. Government assistance If you are suffering from financial hardship the Government has the following websites available for your assistance: National Debt Helpline Money Smart *Important information Issued by Teachers Mutual Bank Limited ABN 30 087 650 459 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 238981. The information contained in this page is of general nature only and should not be construed as providing advice to you. Your personal financial circumstances have not been taken into account. Financial hardship FAQs Repayment pause FAQs