Archive news Talk to us Phone us Email us Breadcrumbs UniBank About Us Archive news Check out what is happening in the news Archive news Featuring past UniBank news, product information, promotions, interesting tips and helpful advice. 2018 News UniBank named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for third year in a row [13 February 2018] 2017 News Teachers Mutual Bank joins global banking network [7 February 2017] Fraud alert [17 January 2017] Australia Day [19 January 2017] Money Matters Summer 2016-17 available [10 January 2017] 2016 News Fraud alert: binary trading [21 December 2016] New office for members in Parramatta [20 December 2016] Stay secure this Christmas: Beware of phone and ‘tech support’ scams this holiday season [12 December 2016] Branch hours over the holidays [5 December 2016] UniBank goes solar [22 November 2016] Top tips to be cyber safe at Stay Smart Online Week 2016 [11 October 2016] UniBank Annual Review 2015-2016 [29 September 2016] Queens Birthday public holiday [22 September 2016] Vote in our 2016 election [21 September 2016] Money Matters Spring 2016 available [6 September 2016] Apple iPhone & iPad users urged to update iOS operating system [31 August 2016] UniBank enters broker market for the first time[16 August 2016] UniBank cut variable rates for home owners [16 August 2016] Sustainability at heart of UniBank [11 August 2016] The latest Reserve Bank interest rate changes [3 August 2016] 2016 AGM and Election information [3 August 2016] UniBank return to investment lending [1 August 2016] Money Matters Winter 2016 available [9 June 2016] WA Day public holiday [31 May 2016] Interest rate changes 25 May 2016 [31 May 2016] Change to investment home lending [25 May 2016] UniBank to host "Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea" [24 May 2016] Home loan interest rate changes [12 May 2016] The latest Reserve Bank interest rate changes [4 May 2016] Money Matters Autumn 2016 available [28 April 2016] Visa cardholders duplicate transactions [19 April 2016] ANZAC Day public holiday [19 April 2016] Warning: Be aware of hoax email circulating [22 March 2016] Easter public holidays [22 March 2016] Malware affecting some users [11 March 2016] Beware of phone and 'tech support' scams [7 March 2016] Labour Day Public Holiday branch hours [4 March 2016] Notification of change to incoming overseas money transfer details [3 March 2016] Interest rate changes to Fixed Home Loans and My First Home Loan [1 March 2016] Australia Day public holiday [19 January 2016] Microsoft no longer supporting older versions of Internet Explorer [12 January 2016] Closure arrangements for Curtin and Murdoch [05 January 2016] 2015 News Closure arrangements for Christmas, Boxing and New Year’s Day [15 December 2015] Vigil Fraud Bureau Alert - telephone scam [10 December 2015] Changes to Variable home loan interest rates [8 December 2015] View our 2015 AGM on demand [24 November 2015] View our AGM live on Saturday 21 November [18 November 2015] 2015 Teachers Mutual Bank Limited Annual General Meeting [17 November 2015] Changes to investor home loans [2 November 2015] Investment Lending Changes October 2015 [6 October 2015] Queens Birthday public holiday [25 September 2015] RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged [1 September 2015] FAQs – Internet banking access for business accounts [25 August 2015] Investment Lending Changes August 2015 [17 August 2015] RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged [13 August 2015] Merger Update: Important Notice regarding systems integration [28 July 2015] Merger with Teacher Mutual Bank [16 July 2015] RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged [8 July 2015] Money Matters Winter 2015 Edition [30 June 2015] Notice of Special General Meeting [24 June 2015] RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged [2 June 2015] Unicredit Donates to Nepal Fund [28 May 2015] Unicredit Decreases Home Loan Rates [18 May 2015] Update on proposed merger with Teachers Mutual Bank [11 May 2015] RBA Lowers Cash Rate to 2.00% [5 May 2015] Sending International Payments with UniBank [28 April 2015] RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged [14 April 2015] Unicredit’s Deputy Board Chair awarded UWA Chancellor’s Medal [31 March 2015] Unicredit Decreases Home Loan Interest Rates [27 March 2015] Should you reduce your home loan repayments when interest rates come down? [20 March 2015] RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged [14 April 2015] Unicredit Decreases Home Loan Rates [13 February 2015] RBA Decreases Cash Rate [3 February 2015] Unicredit moves to merge with Teachers Mutual Bank [22 January 2015] Unicredit extends Home Loan offers until 28 February [05 January 2015] 2014 News Financial System Inquiry Report Released (17 December 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (02 December 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (04 November 2014) Unicredit Launches Introductory Fixed Rate Home Loan Special (18 November 2014) Unicredit Announces $1,000 Member Referral Offer (21 October 2014) Money Matters Newsletter—Spring 2014—Now Available (10 October 2014) Notice of Annual General Meeting (10 October 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (07 October 2014) Unicredit Further Extends ‘No Establishment Fee’ Offer (30 September 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (2 September 2014) COBA Poll Shows Need For Banking System Changes (22 August 2014) Unicredit Extends ‘No Establishment Fee’ Offer (20 August 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (05 August 2014) COBA Response to Interim FSI Report (28 July 2014) Hints & Tips: How To Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster (14 July 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (1 July 2014) COBA Launches 2nd Advertisement in National Media Campaign (30 June 2014) COBA Launches National Media Campaign (20 June 2014) Unicredit announces winner of member survey respondee prize (11 June 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (3 June 2014) APRA announces revised Prudential Standard APS 111 (13 May 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (6 May 2014) Unicredit Launches Member Focus Survey (15 April 2014) COBA submission to the Financial System Inquiry (7 April 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (2 April 2014) Unicredit releases ‘Money Matters’ Autumn 2014 edition (31 March 2014) Unicredit’s 50th Anniversary Car Loan Special (24 March 2014) Changes to the Privacy Act from 12 March 2014 (18 March 2014) Unicredit Launches Weekly Special Term Deposits (10 March 2014) RBA & Interest Rate Stability (7 March 2014) Updated Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice Released (5 March 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (5 March 2014) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (4 February 2014) Unicredit Celebrates 50th Anniversary (31 January 2014) PIN v Signature – Change from 1 August 2014 (22 January 2014) 2013 News Unicredit Increases Term Deposit Rates (18 December 2013) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (03 December 2013) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (06 November 2013) Unicredit announces appointment of interim Chief Executive Officer (16 October 2013) Upgrade to Uniteller Online Banking on 8 October 2013 (04 October 2013) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (01 October 2013) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (03 September 2013) Unicredit decreases standard variable rate to 5.25% p.a. (22 August 2013) Unicredit to decrease Bank@Post withdrawal transaction fee (07 August 2013) RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged (06 August 2013) Unicredit Decreases 1yr and 3yr Fixed Home Loan Rates (26 July 2013) Unicredit Launches New Website(18 July 2013) Unicredit Decreases Standard Variable Home Loan Interest Rate To 5.40% p.a. (20 May 2013)